Friday 13 March 2015

Norma "under investigation"

The Western Mail is reporting today (not online but see image below) that Norma Woodwood, Ukip's erstwhile mysterious candidate for Carmarthen East and Dinefwr has been suspended from all party activities while an investigation is carried out into the management of a party bank account and also "personal conduct which, if proven, could constitute bringing the party into disrepute".

Click on the image to read the article.


Anonymous said...

I passed the UKIP offices in Llanelli today and they made my home town appear even more run down.
It started to rain lightly, so I thought I`d flee to the warmth of the Public Library, which in recent years has (and as much trumpeted by Mrs Gravelle) been `improved` (eg by getting rid of most of the books - or at least hiding them away).
When I entered the Lending Library, Bonnie Tyler (or some other raucous female) was singing irritatingly loudly over the speakers. I remember when `silence is golden` was the `watch phrase` in a library, but I suppose that Carmarthenshire County Council has now decided to diversify and open a disco there. The old Llanelli Borough Librarian, the late Harold Prescott, `ran a tight ship` and maintained high standards - he would turn in his grave if he`d been there today. What next - a bar?

Bill Chapman said...

Another one bit the dust! I don't like to intrude on private grief,but UKIP now have only a few weeks to get a new candidate up and running.

Anonymous said...

Does this woman actually exist? Was it all a scam to explain the lack of a real candidate? All too convenient.

Bill Chapman said...

UIKIP is still nine sandwiches short of a picnic. I mean nine candidates short of a full list. See:

Redhead said...

It would make a great newspaper investigation ...