Thursday 30 January 2014

Council Crisis - A Statement from Cllr Siân Caiach

It has been a busy and fast moving day. More on that and some of the history in due course, but Cllr Caiach left a comment earlier this evening which merits a posting of its own.


I believe these two issues are only the tip of an iceberg as far as what I would regard as a pattern of dubious fiscal behaviour in this council. There is no doubt in my mind that there is a serious issue about whether we councillors are in any position to set a budget when we now have so little confidence in the quality of our financial advice .

As in any similar professional position the chief executive should stand down and take no further part in proceedings until a decision is made about his future.

I also would wish an extensive external audit of our finances. I have no confidence in the way we are handling our money, not only because of the WAO report but also due to other matters brought to my attention.

I have similarly no confidence in the ability of my executive colleagues to guide my council through the annual budget. They have allowed others to pull wool over their eyes and goodness knows what other things may have got past them.

We need an extraordinary general meeting as soon as possible. If we are not absolutely sure of the financial propriety or true motivation of the serious funding decisions about to be made, we should ask WG to make a full financial investigation and delay the budget.

Many individual councillors have been concerned by a variety of funding and financial topics which
have not seemed appropriate uses of public money ,but have been supported by the executive

Now,we have been informed in detail of clear misuse of public funds which indicates repeated systemic failure in financial management.

We should not ignore this expert opinion. Delay with dealing with our mistakes and weaknesses will make things worse, not better. If we need outside help to sort it out, why not? Its been going on too long already.


Anonymous said...

Hear, hear Cllr Caiach!

Tessa said...

Yes of course. Well said, councillor. Isn't incredible though, that you have to state the bleedin' obvious? I am dumbfounded by the council's official reaction of last night, too. Just when I thought there could be nothing further to surprise - there is! They are still disbelieving that the cosy set-up is crumbling. Such is the culture where absolute power exists - it is only ever temporary, yet the majority of those involved cannot see this. Yes I too believe this is the tip of the iceberg. We will want to know in due course, is how much this whole debacle has cost, and continues to cost, the taxpayer? As we are not just talking about external costs. We are talking about internal costs - massive amounts of expensive staff time, as well as travel and accommodation and other on-costs and support costs. If the council had a properly functioning accounting system, these costs would be apportioned to a separate cost centre, and the cumulative costs known at any time. Simples. Yet when they cannot even find out when the returning officers fees were paid (which is truly frightening - such a system is wide open to fraud and error!)I doubt there's much chance of that - and that there could only ever be a best estimate.

Anonymous said...

That apparent payment to a Head of service leaving and popping up in another Council at a higher level should be on the list

Anonymous said...

What a pity there aren't more councillors like Sian - if there had been, perhaps this shameful debacle would not have happened.

Jac o' the North, said...

I am not for one minute comparing Mark James to Adolf Hitler, but . . . there is an anology to be made with Berlin in late April and early May, 1945.

Anonymous said...

Jac o'the North is absolutely right
It only takes one person or people with particular characteristics to take complete control.This can happen very easily when there are people who
allow themselves to be dominated for whatever reason e.g lack of ability,integrity or ambition.

Anonymous said...

Oh for goodness sake man! Preserve some shred of dignity and for God's sake - go. If this carries on much longer I can expect an impassioned plea of innocence, calling upon the sword of truth and the shield of British fair play, before being forced to bow to the inevitable.

It may be that the delay in announcing the toppling is in the hope that concerted prayers from the congregation of the Towy Church may produce divine intervention (and light may yet shine on the Council's involvement there).

But it is more likely that feverish pay-offs are being negotiated.

Anonymous said...

What happens to the CBE I would like to know? Can anyone shed some light?

Aged 75 and a bit said...

Feverish pay-offs should not even be considered for wrongdoing.
Do as private industries do, just march then off the site.
I can truly say that I am totally disgusted with the Labour Councillors, they should be looking after their constituents and Labour/Plaid/Conservative should not come into it.
A real shambles of a Council.

Anonymous said...

Not only divine intervention following prayers in Towy Church, Anon 17.26 but also following a bit of pinny wearing, trouser legs rolled up and funny handshakes in another venue I suspect.

Emlyn Uwch Cych said...

Anon 21.19 is probably correct about the pinnies and the handshakes. There are wheels within wheels in Sir Gâr and Sir Benfro. This is simply not healthy and needs to be exposed to the disinfectant of sunlight.

Anonymous said...

There was a suggestion many moons ago that membership of secret societies like the Masons should have to be declared by people in public office. That was quietly put on the back burner but I am strongly of the opinion that declaration should be mandatory for any postholder wielding influence or in control of public finances.

Anonymous said...

Yes I agree

Anonymous said...

Freemasonry and even Dyfed Powys and South Wales get a mention!

Anonymous said...

What a shambles.

Anonymous said...

you people haven't a clue all you want to do i wreck Carmarthenshire for those who live here with your petty political squabbling , what about Llanelli town centre and Carmarthen town centre and all the new schools that have been built in recent years , you should be thanking the people who have done this for us .