Saturday 20 December 2014

Y blodyn dela 'rioed - the prettiest flower ever

Rhaid i fi gyfadde 'mod i'n dwlu ar gerdd dant. Mae gen i gasgliad o grynoddisgau cerdd dant yn y car, er mawr ddychryn i'r wraig a theithwyr eraill.

"O na, cerdd dant - y geiriau hudol 'na", meddai ffrind yn ddiweddar.

Does dim byd gwell, ond os nag y'ch chi'n ffan mawr o'r crefft, mi gewch chi eich siomi ar yr ochr orau gan berfformiad buddugol Cefin Roberts yn Stomp Eisteddod Sir Gâr 2014.

Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda i chi gyd.

The ancient and noble art of Cerdd Dant is probably a closed book to anyone who does not speak Welsh, and it is something of a minority pursuit even within the Welsh speaking community.

Here is a wonderful example from this year's National Eisteddfod in Llanelli. You don't need to be able to understand Welsh to appreciate the artistry, and I hope that it will whet a few more appetites to learn Welsh and find out what he is singing about.

Now there's a New Year's Resolution.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all readers.


Emlyn Uwch Cych said...

As Max Boyce always insists, "I was there!" The things you stumble upon on the Eisteddfod maes.

Nadolig llawen i bawb.

Unknown said...

Mae rhaid i fi cytuno a Mrs Cneifiwr - yr unig cerdd dant i mi mwynhau oedd Ryan Davies yn cyfieithu Llongau Madog "go he is to put his foot where never before a foot was put". Gwych.