Tuesday 25 November 2014

Carmarthenshire in numbers

£28,000 - the amount spent by Carmarthenshire County Council on the services of Mr Tim Kerr QC defending the unlawful pensions and libel indemnity payments to chief executive Mark James.

On 8 October 2014 Kevin Madge said, "I am satisfied that the expenditure was both reasonable and necessary", although the council begrudgingly accepted the Wales Audit Office's findings.

£32,000 - the amount of grant to be cut to Women's Aid to help victims of domestic violence under budget proposals approved by Kevin Madge, Pam Palmer and other members of the council's Executive Board at a meeting on 17 November 2014.

24 November - Kevin Madge and Pam Palmer join a march through Carmarthen in support of the White Ribbon campaign to end violence to women.


Blodwen said...

24 November, not October.

Unknown said...

Y cyngor yn torri arian i Gymorth i Fenywod wedyn wythnos yn diweddarach arweinwyr y Cyngor yn dangos cefnogaeth i'r elusen. Fel mae'r sais yn dweud 'you couldn't make it up,.

Anonymous said...

Short sharp and to the point.
No doubt they were walking in crocodile formation.