Saturday 21 February 2015

Cawl crawl

Crawl being the appropriate word for a picture in the latest edition of the Carmarthen Journal (full story here).

Surely this must be in the running for Private Eye's prestigious Order of the Brown Nose award.

Anyone fancy a caption competition?

Councillor Meryl Gravell OBE enjoying a bowl of cawl
"Councillor Meryl Gravell OBE enjoying a bowl of cawl"


Anonymous said...

More Carmarthenshire Cawlach in the pipeline I see.

Anonymous said...

"Please sir, may I have some more?" - Oliver Twist or the Artful Dodger?

Anonymous said...

Oh dear. I bet even Y Cneifwr is pleased that Labour won the Labour seat.

Anonymous said...

Meryl Gravel and fellow councillors take a well-deserved lunch after gruelling 15 minute private meeting to award a £2.63 million grant to dormant company.

Blodwen said...

Well, thank you very much. That's not only put me right off my breakfast but I've gone off cawl now too.

caebrwyn said...

As she polished off the orphans' meagre rations, Muriel Chippings grinned in breathless anticipation for the imminent arrival of the Beadle...

Anonymous said...

Let them eat cawl

Anonymous said...

We'll be lucky to be able to afford cawl once Meryl & co have finished with their cuts.

Anonymous said...

Y Mae cawl heb genin fel Cymro yn siarad saesneg.

Anonymous said...

I know what most people are thinking a silly cawl picture and story.

Anonymous said...

For psychIC @ 14:45 How can you criticise a little satire with the chaos these people have generated in CCC?