Radio Cymru is reporting that the Wales Audit Office will be reviewing the severance package awarded to Bryn Parry-Jones before deciding whether to take any further steps. For its part, the council is none too pleased that Jacob has spilled the beans, and has put out a statement reminding councillors of their duties under the code of conduct.
Following last week's £320,000 (correction - it was £332,000 - see Jacob Williams) whip-round for Bryn Parry-Jones at Pembrokeshire County Council, all eyes are now turning to neighbouring Carmarthenshire to see what happens to Mark James's application for a severance package.
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Speaking for Llanddarog |
Plaid Cymru has made it plain that it thinks that Mark James should not receive another penny, and there is a school of thought that he should be asked to repay the tens of thousands paid to him unlawfully. Labour has so far remained tight-lipped, but true to form the Independents appear to be taking a radically different view.
Wyn Evans, the veteran Independent councillor for Llanddarog and a close confidant of Meryl Gravell, has apparently been holding forth on the subject and explaining why he thinks Mark James deserves a bigger pay-off than Bryn Parry-Jones.
This man needs to step down himself to allow a clear thinking person to take over in LLanddarog. He has deeply flawed thought processes if he backs a man with unethical and unlawful conduct in public office.
What has Wyn Evans said and where ? was it within a public meeting in Llanddarog or in the press ? or was it overheard in a pub ?
It seems to me that a perfectly proper duty of a councillor is to look after the interests of those he represents...
Anon@14.23 - I'm not sure where you are coming from on that one, but I suspect that people in Llanddarog won't be too pleased.
so Cneifwr where did you acquire the info re Wyn Evans as asked anon 14.22
I meant Jacob Williams should not be looked at for breaking any code - integrity required it.
Anon@20.16 - from a reliable source.
so how realible wyn wife or just some one who overheard a conversation
Anon@23.21 - I can only assume that your obsessive interest has something to do with your being an "Independent" councillor. A little bit creepy that someone writing as Anon wants me to reveal my sources - don't waste your time.
Carmarthenshire blogs seem to be losing the plot at a rapid rate of knots.
The problems within the County Council can be squarely placed as the responsibility of the County Councillors. ALL of them included.
They are more interested in opposing their political party enemies than doing what they feel is right for the residents of the County.
For God’s sake ALL Councillors, do what you should be doing for your constituents and not gang together in party politics – you are NOT there for that purpose.
Bernard, you cannot possibly include Cllr Sian Caiach in your comment about ALL councillors. She is the one councillor who puts integrity and truth-telljng above all else - at great personal cost because she has to suffer disgraceful and outrageous behaviour from other councillors and some officers as a result of her courageous stand.
Hi Blodwen
Thought of her when I posted my comment.
Yes, Sian deserves Mr.James's medal.
Sorry Sian.
And Bill Thomas.
Bernard is entitled to his opinion and I share his frustration. However, he's being rather unfair. The Plaid group - at 28-strong the largest on the council- has repeatedly offered to join the Labour and Independent parties in running the council for the good of Carmarthenshire. They've declined. We have no alternative but to be a robust and responsible opposition, scrutinising policies and decisions made by the Administration. Plaid is the only group that strives to hold those who run the council to account. I also admire Sian Caiach's courage Blodwen (I sit next to her in the Council Chamber as it happens) and am shocked by the attitude of some councillors and officers towards her, but by leaving the Plaid group several years ago Sian chose to become a lone voice. Pity.
anon 16.17 you are having a joke !!!
What sanctions can the Audit Office impose, if any?
I am not being unfair at all.
Just look back at the voting records.
It makes it quite obvious that Plaid and Labour-Indi simply vote against each other rather that Councillors giving their their own opinions.
The general public are fed up to the teeth with this kind of behaviour.
I think the auditors can go to court to stop the payment happening?
What I think you're in danger of overlooking is that the treatment of Sian is not acceptable simply because she has left your party. Surely all members, regardless of affiliation, share in the responsibility to ensure that this sort of treatment is not tolerated! Officers must not address members - any members - with such contempt. Those who do need to be dealt with.
As for the "Independents", any body of people who conduct themselves as a political block are, by definition, not independent. Calling themselves "Independent" gives the electorate the mistaken impression that such members are free to vote as their conscience directs, and not beholden to a political party or other such grouping.
It is for this reason that I would like to see the term "Independent" become protected in electoral law.
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