Wednesday 18 December 2013

Jacqui Thompson Libel Appeal

A brief update on the hearing held on Monday this week in which Jacqui Thompson sought to extend the scope of her appeal against the judgment handed down against her earlier this year.

Barnet blogger Mrs Angry attended the hearing, and you can read her report here.

The only thing to add was that Mr James's legal team turned out in force, with his barrister being accompanied by three others. It is apparently very unusual for the other side to turn up to a hearing of this kind, and it is further proof if proof were needed that whatever other cutbacks the council is making, no expense is being spared when it comes to legal representation for the chief executive.

To the person who wrote a vicious comment rejoicing in Mrs Thompson's plight and expressing thanks that Jacqui and her family face losing their home rather than Mr James, you have obviously not understood the fundamentals of the case. Mr James's home was never at risk for the simple reason that the taxpayer is funding his case. Your comment will not be published.


Anonymous said...

It,s getting serious,something has to be done about the
Junta running Carmarthenshie which are not the elected
Councillors.A few of the Councillors from various parties
Are doing a excellent job challenging and holding them to account,I would like to see them backed more from
Outside the county from wherever it may come.

Anonymous said...

Normally I would say" Unbelievable" but in this instance it is a very clear case of lack of intellect.There are people in this world who have a total lack of empathy or sympathy with the predicament of others.This from your comment is a different matter.To rejoice in another's distress to the point of being vicious tells me that
the author would be someone bent on revenge or someone quite close to them.
I don't think however there would be many,if any,people who would go as far as the person whose comments you will not publish.
Looking at it objectively what it always shows is more about the intellect of the critic rather than the object of criticism