Sunday 6 May 2012

Plaid asks for talks in Carmarthenshire - Updated

It's official: Plaid has invited councillors who can sign up to its manifesto to join it in forming a new unity administration for the county (see statement here).

The wording is interesting. It does not talk about a coalition with another party, and is instead asking individual councillors from across the political spectrum to join it in running the show. Of course, that does not preclude a coalition if all members of one or other group decide that they can sign up to the aims set out in Plaid's manifesto, and there can be little in the manifesto that either Labour or the Independents could object to, although some aspects of it would mark a departure from the policies pursued by the previous Independent-Labour coalition (for example, the implementation of the Modernising Education Plan).

In reality, policies will almost certainly not be the major factor in deciding the outcome here. Kevin Madge is  eyeing up Meryl's job as council leader, and all of the signals he has put out over the last few weeks would seem to indicate that he is in no rush to abandon his Independent friends. There will almost certainly also be external involvement in the Labour group's decision, with anti-Plaid figures such as Peter Hain to be consulted.

Plaid's best hope would therefore seem to lie with the Independents. It needs to secure 10 extra votes to take control, and perhaps offers of jobs might be enough to swing it.

Ironically, the Independents were the biggest losers in the election, and yet they may emerge the biggest winners as Plaid and Labour enter a bidding war for their favours.

For what it's worth, my money is on a new Labour-Independent coalition, cynical travesty of democracy though that would be. It never stopped them before though, did it?

I hope I am proved wrong.

Update Plaid's Carl Harris tweeted a short while ago that Labour and the Independents met at 9am yesterday to discuss matters. The meeting room was apparently booked over a week ago.


Anonymous said...

PHG must be political and offer what he can in way of jobs and chairs of commitees etc to secure a majority.

Common sense would dictate that the labour party would join with Plaid to form an administration. This would be the best scenario but its probably not to be.

There must be 10 Indies willing to break the logjam.

Anonymous said...

There was a Labour group meeting yesterday morning, not a meeting between Labour and the Independents.

Anonymous said...

5 years is a long time though, lots of things can happen, like the downgrading of a certain hospital!

Cneifiwr said...

Thanks Anon No.1 - how did the meeting go?

Anonymous said...

Cneifiwr - A negotiating team was appointed to talk with all parties and any deal with the Independents was conditional on Meryl not forming part of any new executive.

Anonymous said...

The Independent Group met on the day of the count in Llanelli Town Hall, although those less inclined towards Meryl were not actively sought out to inform them of the meeting. Those that attended gave Meryl and Pam Palmer permission to discuss arrangements with Labour and (supposedly) Plaid. Word is that Meryl and Pam have tucked up their collegues by only *really* listening to Labour. Plaid will be listened to with deaf ears and it will be reported back to the Independent Group that Plaid were unreasonable (regardless of what *actually* is said) and Labour are the only option.

Given that Labour are demanding that they Lead the Council as the largest group and (presuming) that's what Plaid will also want, I imagine the future of the Council's direction depends on two outcomes - whichever Group (Labour or Plaid) "buys" the support of the Independent Group with the most cabinet/committee places and/or (in the case of Labour) secures the paid future for Meryl and Pam ("stay in the cabinet dears? Oh, thank you kevin!") OR... a few (that's all it takes) Independent Group councillors grow some balls and do what is best for Carmarthenshire and support an administration that is less narrow, partisan and tribal than the current Meryl-Pam-Kevin axis of evil!!!

We'll soon see soon enough...

Anonymous said...

I hope its not plaid anything is better than that

Cneifiwr said...

Thanks Pam for that last comment.

Anonymous said...

Plaid are only interested in langauge,and the QUEEN what about jobs for our young people,ETC

Anonymous said...

Hang on I thought the the party with the most members were the winners. Why the need for coalition. If this is what is happening, why did we go to the expense and waste of time to have an election in the first place.

Anonymous said...

ARE ALL THE INDEPENDENTS PRO AUNTY MADGE & GRANNY GRAVELL? - i do not think so many think that we will have 5 years again of Llanelli centred politics , big grand scheme for the few in Llanelli

Anonymous said...

Hopefully a new coalition will consider doing the job properly, and BE SEEN TO do the job properly. I can't imagine there will be an END to the undemocratic, officer-led, secretive, manipulating, committee-role rewarding, bullying, white-elephant funding, libel action taking, even downright hilarious carryings on that make our county council a laughing stock, and ensure are featured regularly in spending scandals, exposes and publications such as Private Eye. But SURELY there must be SOME move AWAY from all of this? And surely the Great ship Gravell must be rolling fit to capsize in the uncertain waters - weakened by a fended off yet glancing blow, and followed by a full hit of no-confidence motions?

Anonymous said...

who do you want running things then?? your top man Deuan Harris???? Get a bloody grip, talk about key stone cops,

Anonymous said...

Kevin madge would make a better leader than the old man plaid have! As a labour voter I would be very angry to see a lab-plaid coalition. Plaid play very dirty tricks during elections and now te need some backing to be in power.....all crawling back! Politics stink!!!!!!!

Welsh not British said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Plaid are only interested in langauge,and the QUEEN what about jobs for our young people,ETC

See here for a rather clear example of how wrong you are. And yes it's a shameless plug.

6 May 2012 22:48
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hang on I thought the the party with the most members were the winners. Why the need for coalition. If this is what is happening, why did we go to the expense and waste of time to have an election in the first place.

6 May 2012 22:49

Every area votes for their councillor of choice and ideally you need a majority. If Plaid were to form the council they run the risk of being blocked at every single vote. This is why they need to try and temp some of the indies over to their side of the fence.

Anonymous said...

Listen folks politics is a grim pastime.

the Indies lost the election, There is no doubt about that, (ask Steven James in bury port for confirmation if you dont believe me, dont forget a few weeks ago he was being touted as the new leader)

Labout won the election but still have less support than PC.

it is obvious that PHG should have primacy in forming an administration - personally i think he should work with Labour. They are both left of centre and could work together to temper the cuts yet to be made. In addition both main population centres have gone Labour and Plaid resectively.

The County could have a fresh start but must ditch some ridiculous policies and projects such as church sect,Funding legal actions etc etc.

Hopefully there is enough new blood in the labour group to move things forward.

Anonymous said...

LLANELLI voted labour NOT plaid in the last election ????????

Anonymous said...

But Llanelli you are not the rest of the county which voted Plaid and Independent, so unless you want to declare UDI and go off to Swansea Bay your are stuck with the rest of the Rural county . We have put up with you getting the best of the resources, your schools have more places in the improvement plan and will get sorted out sooner than schools in Newcastle Emlyn , you have more leisure facilities , more big projects than us so belt up , look at the percentages that voted labour in Llanelli

Anonymous said...

this is quite heartbreaking and very demoralising whichever way it turns out.

if it is the case of plaid running the risk of being blocked at every opportunity, so shall it be. if they block, then we shall descend into chaos, and then only the electorate will acknowlege what they are like.. you have to run the course. plaid cannot be held responsible for the actions of others, but human nature does not see it that way, people will blame plaid..

talking of plaid, the carms east mp has let down constituents. something to do with some pensioners, grant work carmarthenshire care and repair and thousands of pounds of bodged jobs, and the mp is not going to do anything and left them unrepresented.

trust in plaid? labour are just as bad. independents? looks like we are doomed. (anon 2)

Anonymous said...

gets a bit confusing with anonymous's least i sign off with anon2 or a2 for short..just in case there's any confusion.

there is an old saying that a house that is divided amongst itself cannot stand.

as for the plaid mp, he walked out of a meeting. and in no way was it anything heated, it was just a normal meeting and the subject of discussion was that the mp could not take the heat, and basically mumbled a few words and walked off without a care in the world leaving people dumfounded. maybe he had a pang of conscience, which doesn't make any sense unless he enjoys pensioners suffering.

as for madge being leader, i personally wouldn't go down that road but given the circumstances, it would be relunctant to choose him, and then again he was just as ignorant about some cases.. maybe it is better to give a labour leader in another area a go. but who? (anon2)

Anonymous said...

2nd thoughts, don't give the leadership to madge