Sunday, 10 July 2016

Cymru rydd yn Ewrop/Independent Wales in Europe


  1. Just a couple of slight problems here I fear. 1 - support for independence is at about 3% and Wales voted leave. Just saying !!

  2. You have obviously not been keeping up with the news. Strip out the "don't knows", and support for independence is now running at around 35%.

  3. Still not a positive independence picture. The vote to leave was I think more decisive than England. Plaid defo swimming against the tide on this Im afraid.There will be a load of die hard Welsh separation enthusiasts at the rally all talking about Gwynfor and past glories but independence is a non-starter.

  4. every journey begins with the first step - or something like that!

  5. Support for independence in Scotland some four years ago was at 15% but we all know what's happened up there since.

    Some of the very vocal unionists keep mentioning the 3% but fail to mention that this same poll showed that 49% wanted more powers for the Assembly with 26% supporting the status quo. Only 12% was against independence and wanted to see the assembly abolished. The real story for this poll was that 78% of the people of Wales supported the current situation or further devolution for Wales. However, because of the nature of our press and media they had to pick on the 3% figure and go with that as a headline. Considering that 25% of the Welsh population is made up English incomers these figures aren't too bad at all.

  6. I agree but by your own analysis there is no appetite for independence or indeed for Wales being subsumed into the EU. What is being proposed , leaving the UK and then joining the EU ? Its nonsense. Leanne must have been horrified and embarrassed that Wales voted for Brexit but there we are that's democracy. Independence from UK wont happen for several generations and Plaid should concentrate on making devolution work first. in fact they should try making Carmarthenshire work first as well !!

  7. There's certainly more of an appetite with a recent poll putting independence for Wales in Europe at 35%. People need to accept that the vast majority of people in Wales back this country having more powers. The process to independence will take time but it will be here quicker than I'd imagined a year or two ago.


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