Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Downward spiral

Private Eye recently picked up on Trinity Mirror's decision not to fill four staff vacancies at the Carmarthen Journal and its sister paper, the Llanelli Star. Their websites would be scrapped, and staff had been told to buy their own notepads and even soap for the office toilets.

The truth is even grimmer, and needless to say you won't be reading about it in the pages of either newspaper.

The once mighty Carmarthen Journal is now down to just five staff, and that includes advertising and the receptionist. That's just three left in editorial, and Trinity is axing its sales and customer service centre in Swansea.

In the last 10 years the Journal has had five different editors and three different owners.

After 206 years of recording local events, including the revival of the National Eisteddfod, the Rebecca Riots and the victory of Gwynfor Evans, Trinity Mirror seems to be set on giving the old lady a quiet funeral.


  1. Sad news perhaps, but the Carmarthen Journal has long been allowed to be dictated to by the council. So maybe not a bad thing.

    As one door closes...

    This is a good opportunity for the Carmarthen Herald, where journalism seems to be more realistic and not council driven.

    All good things must come to an end and this demise has been on the cards for a while.

  2. They seem intent on killing of their major title with the front page this morning,Hugh Cudlipp must be spinning in his grave

  3. Apart from the fact that it's sad to see people losing their jobs, the end of the Carmarthen Journal is no loss and the rag that it's become will not be missed. It has been nothing more than a mouthpiece for the council for several years and has been a journalistic travesty.

    I have a funny feeling that the council will not be transferring its advetising budget to the Herald though!

  4. Following the takeover by Trinity Mirror most local newspapers will in future be run from Cardiff. It's probably the only way to justify keeping the Western Mail going.


Oes rhaid i fi ddweud? Dim ond synnwyr cyffredin sy ishe
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