Monday, 14 November 2011

Towy Community Church accounts

A quick glance at the Charity Commission's website shows that Towy Community Church, which has received so much public money, has so far not been able to file its accounts for 2010.

True, the deadline has so far only been missed by 10 days, but you would expect to be able to inspect accounts for previous years given that the church has been in existence for some while. However, it turns out that the church was registered under the name of "Towy Community Church Trust" until June 2010, and that charity has been wound up.

The result is that no accounts of any kind are available for inspection by the public which has become such a generous benefactor.

Of course, there is bound to be an entirely reasonable explanation for this, and we can be sure that our county council will be asking the church to explain.

As mentioned before, the breakdown of the finances underpinning Project Xcel (the name for the bowling alley, etc.) is also more than a little confusing, with some odd discrepancies between what the church tells us on its website, and what councillors were told by the Executive Board in May of this year. Whereas the church says it received just under £800,000 from the Big Lottery Fund and Welsh Government, councillors were told that this figure was just £500,000.

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Oes rhaid i fi ddweud? Dim ond synnwyr cyffredin sy ishe
Standard common sense rules apply. Need I explain?