Tuesday, 15 November 2011

County Council endorses Towy Community Church - again!

I'm not making this up - honest. Stories about the county council and the American-style evangelical church are like London buses at the moment.

For those old miseries who complain about the council's propaganda sheet, Carmarthenshire News, the latest edition is the stuff of our worst nightmares, with a colour picture of Cllr Pam Palmer grinning out at us and announcing that the county council is now working with Towy Community Church, the Elim Pentecostal Church in Llanelli, the Ammanford Evangelical Church and Communities First Pantyffynnon to distribute Christmas presents to children across the county.

It seems that, unlike Tony Blair when he was in Downing Street, Carmarthenshire County Council has decided that it does God, and not the wishy-washy kind favoured by mainstream religious groups, but the fire and brimstone, anti-gay, anti-abortion, gun-toting, rootin-tootin right-wing kind of God imported direct from the American Bible Belt. Halleluiah!

Towy Community Church's website devotes a lot of space to its sponsors' logos, with the county council plastered all over parts of it.

So I suppose it's only right that the two "brands" should also come together in the council's official "newspaper".
Will Pam fit down your chimney?

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Oes rhaid i fi ddweud? Dim ond synnwyr cyffredin sy ishe
Standard common sense rules apply. Need I explain?