Thursday, 4 June 2015

The End

This blog has been going for four years, and as just about any blogger will tell you, it wasn't meant to last this long.

For most of those four years, blogging has been a source of endless fascination, but I have felt for some time that it is time to move on, and earlier this year I set the general election as a target. That and the surprise change of administration on Carmarthenshire County Council seem to be as good a time as any to bring the blog to a close.

Whether the blog made any difference, I don't know, but I have tried to highlight some injustices and the dire state of local democracy in Carmarthenshire.

Earlier this year a large group of people gathered for the unveiling of a plaque in Llangennech recalling the life and work of Eileen Beasley. Eileen took on local government stupidity and obstinacy and eventually won, and it is perhaps no coincidence that this blog has regularly featured several other Carmarthenshire women, each very different, who have paid a high price for their bravery and determination.

Delyth Jenkins and the other whistleblowers deserve our support because any of us could one day end up being victims of the abuse that they have been fighting to expose.

A very different case has been that of Trisha Breckman and her partner. Trisha is a formidable fighter, and she has been subjected to harassment, humiliation and injustice on a frightening scale. Her fight is still going on, but there is hope that at last a corner may be about to be turned. In the final analysis her campaign is about making sure that we live by the rule of law, and that the law has to be applied without fear or favour.

Someone else who is hardly flavour of the month in County Hall is Cllr Siân Caiach, a full fledged member of the Awkward Squad if ever there was. Whether you agree with her or not, she is always worth listening to.

And finally, there is Jacqui Thompson. Jacqui was the victim of a miscarriage of justice, and perhaps one day the truth will come out about how this case was manipulated. The real Jacqui Thompson is about as far from the mythical beast created by County Hall as you can get.

Another frequent theme of this blog has been press freedom. The arrival on the scene of the Carmarthenshire Herald and its sister paper in Llanelli is a very positive development, and although the additional competition may feel painful to existing local titles, it will result in a much livelier local press and perhaps turn the tide of declining readership of local papers.

Welsh blogging has suffered some notable losses in the last few years, but there are plenty of first class writers out there covering all sorts of different subjects. In English the gold standards are Carmarthenshire Planning Problems and More, Old Grumpy, Jacob Williams, Jac o' the North, Oggy Bloggy Ogwr and Borthlas, who always has some eminently sensible observations to make on politics. John Dixon is a real loss to Welsh politics, and I hope he can be persuaded to take the plunge again.

Even more encouraging is the range and standard of blogs in Welsh, with some truly brilliant writing.  BlogMenai, Yr Hogyn o Rachub and Glyn Adda are particular favourites, and Cai Larsen's reporting and analysis of Irish politics is a uniquely valuable contribution.

Bloggers are often regarded as the poor cousins of "real" journalism, but these three, all very different, are often at least as good as any of the highly paid Fleet Street columnists.

But it's not all politics, and other favourites include Lowri Cooke Haf on film, television and the arts, while for anyone interested in gardening there is the beautiful and often lyrical Ar Asgwrn y Graig.

So a new chapter is about to begin, and it's time to tackle another project which has been simmering away on the backburner for too long.

Many thanks to all you readers and contributors, even the hostile ones.

Diolch yn fawr i bob un ohonoch chi.


  1. Mr James will be a very happy man today.

  2. I'm sure that I won't be the only reader who will be saddened by your decision. Your critical coverage of the Council has revealed so many mis-deeds, and whilst you are not the only one to do so, the clear and insightful analysis you have provided has been most helpful. Your contributions have clearly rattled the leadership, and I am sure that your scrutiny has had real influence. I would like to think that the new administration will turn a new leaf but I suspect that the intrinsic nature of leopards will prevail. Your looking over their shoulders will be missed. Thanks for all your efforts - well deserving of a CBE!

  3. Very sad to see your blog come to an end, Richard. Though as someone who's thought about quitting or taking an extended break numerous times, I can understand. It's often harder than it looks and as you've said yourself before, it's very much "the arse end of the business". I've been at it for just over four years now and feel both like a grizzled veteran, yet, somehow, still wet behind the ears.

    Y Cneifiwr's always been incredibly well-written, witty, informative and entertaining. You shouldn't underestimate what you've done to shed a light on the jaw-dropping goings on in Carmarthenshire and it's highly likely that people outside the county (including myself) would've had no idea if it wasn't for this blog. You'll be leaving a big gap.

    Diolch yn fawr iawn, a pob lwc yn eich ymdrechion yn y dyfodol.

  4. Thank you for all your work, your blog has been a fun and serious in equal measure, shining lights where they needed to be shone - it will be missed.

  5. Your wit,humour and firm belief in truth and justice will be sorely missed.You have succeeded in exposing what has brought CCC into disrepute for so long.I know that with Jacqui you have been instrumental in that regard.Good Luck to you.

  6. I agree completely anon 07.55. Your opinion, insight and wit will be sorely missed. I will leave the Y Cneifiwr icon on my desktop to remind myself that grassroots research and information sharing can be hugely useful and empowering. In NW Wales we are so much more aware now - thank you, and best wishes for your future projects.

  7. I hope you're not pulling out just because if Plaid don't make the changes that are desperately needed you will be in a difficult position in having to report them. Perhaps that's just me being cynical but ever since Plaid got into bed with Meryl, Pam & Co I wondered whether or not you would stop your blog.

    Anyway, thank you, if it wasn't for you I and many others wouldn't have a clue what had been going on behind the scenes at CCC. You will be sorely missed.

    Pob lwc Cneifiwr a diolch am pob-beth.

  8. Very sorry to hear of your decision for all the reasons mentioned by Anon 1 and 2.
    Truly you have made a difference. For some time, you have kept me informed of the real corruption at the heart of local government, in a way I have never heard from the pathetic Llanelli Star. I now take a regular copy of the Herald which is helping to educate the "mushrooms kept in the dark" as we are in Carmarthenshire.

    Please reconsider and keep this excellent blog going, even if you cannot spend so much time on it?

  9. All the best Richard and many thanks for all the support and, it goes without saying, your brilliant blog. It will be very sadly missed but I wish you every success in your future projects.

  10. Sorry to see you go - you were a major force for good in Carmarthenshire, as well as a major thorn in the backside of the council...

  11. Thank you Richard, you have been an inspiration and a great supporter of open and free democracy, unlike the former ruling cabal in County Hall and their minions; your insight and humour will be missed

  12. Good luck in whatever you decide to do.

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  13. Y cneifiwr,you must be pleased to read the heart-warming comments posted today.Well done
    for all your hard work.It has been much appreciated.

  14. For a number of reasons, including family roots in the county and many friends living there, I have always taken an interest in Carmarthenshire. Which is why it has been so worrying in recent years to see democracy usurped and, perhaps worse, this usurpation given an easy ride if not applauded by a cowed or complaisant media.

    This situation, coupled with the reluctance of the 'Welsh' Government to intervene, meant that those of us seeking change relied to a great extent for information on bloggers, among whom 'Cneifiwr' was prominent. His reports often delivered with a leavening of humour because, I suspect Richard long ago concluded that when you're dealing with situations as bizarre as that prevailing in CCC being unable to stand back and see the funny side might tip you over the edge yourself.

    I know you aren't retiring altogether, Richard, and so I wish you well in your future endeavours. And thanks for the kind mention. Pob lwc.

  15. You will be immensely missed. Very sad day for us folks but a happy day for the those on jail hill. Says it all. Hope you come back some time soon.

  16. I'm so sad to read this, Richard. Your clever, resourceful, witty and meticulously researched blog has become an addiction for many of us and thanks to you and others like Jacqui, we have all been so much better informed about the appalling shenanigans and goings-on in CCC. No doubt the champagne corks are popping in County Hall at this very moment as they read the news that one of their most effective critics is, figuratively speaking, laying down his pen. But you will be sorely missed by everyone who values free speech and the truth. Thank you so much for all the hard work, effort and time that you have put into being Cneifiwr.


  18. Richard Powell4 June 2015 at 19:07

    Your blog will be missed, Cneifwr. Thank you for all you have done. You have performed a valuable public service, and provided a lot of amusement along the way. I hope we haven't heard the last of you.

  19. I am so, so sorry to read this Cneifiwr. I visit your blog daily and it is quite a highlight. As well as agreeing with the comments from the others above, I will add that you are fearless and very, very funny. I hope you have secured something justifiably well paid.
    Hey - you're not joining CCC's PR department, are you?
    Sorry - even though I'm obviously joking, the joke itself is offensive!

    Damn, damn, dammit. You will be very sorely missed.

    Thank goodness we have Jacqui - and now the Herald, in particular Cadno. I will do as you suggest and check out the others.


  20. Diolch am dy eiriau caredig. Gobeithio y gwelwn ni gyfraniadau eraill gen' ti yn y dyfodol. Pob hwyl o'r gogledd.

  21. Deepest thanks, Cneifiwr for your great journalism and wise interpretations of events. I will also miss the comic insights and magic humour of your unique, imagined likely goings on behind the scenes - so plausible and very funny. Some names have already stuck in general parlance in the jail.
    Good luck with your new projects. Thanks for the plug for my blog. If it becomes half as good as yours I'll be very happy. You've been a great inspiration to me and I'm sure many others. Enjoy the new but be very proud of this great blog. Its been a fine achievement.

  22. Bydd colled fawr ar ôl y blog hwn - dyma lle'r oeddwn yn mynd gyntaf bob dydd i gael newyddion lleol - llawer mwy dadlennol na chawl eildwym golwg360 a'r BBC gyda'i gilydd. Nid wyf erioed wedi ysgrifennu neges ar unrhyw flog o'r blaen ond teimlaf reidrwydd i wneud hynny i ddiolch yn fawr i chi, Cneifiwr am yr oriau o ddarllen difyr - yn ddifrifol a doniol. Gobeithio'n fawr bydd yr ymddeoliad hwn yn debyg i rai Dafydd Iwan ... ac y gwelwn chi nôl yn fuan! ;-)

    Ond tan hynny, pob dymuniad da a diolch am eich cyfraniad gwerthfawr.

  23. I'm sorry to see you go. I've been caught up wit CCC for the past few years, and experienced first hand the way that they treat Whistlenlowers. Your words, along with Jaqui's have kept me going through the dark days. You will be sorely missed by those who believe that the truth will out........eventually! Diolch o gaoln.

  24. Of course you have made a tremendous difference! Without you and Jacqui, most folk would have absolutely no idea of just what was going on up at Jail Hill. I am sure you will be missed by many, and would like to thank you for your efforts. It always made good reading, very informative, with a little added humour. Good luck with your new venture. Hope you decide to return soon!

  25. Well Richard I am also sorry to hear you are not continuing your blog. Your blog has helped me understand whats taking place in the CCC and how the maladministration and wrongdoing abounds throughout not only in Social Care. We will still have Jacqui's blog and the new Heralds but it'll not be the same without you. I'm not just saying that because you published my comments though that allowed me to get things off my chest which has helped me carry on so thanks for that. You & Jacqui have given a voice to people who no doubt (like me) needed to feel they were being heard as the CCC has no intention of listening. I agree with everything everyone has said about you and your blog and wish you well in you new venture. Maybe you could periodically let us know all is well. All the Best & GOOD LUCK POB LWC!

    Jennifer Brown (whistleblower)

    PS Thanks for giving a voice to whistleblowers and complainants

  26. I have only just started reading this blog; I got onto it when my colleague at work mentioned the Cneifiwr blog during our chats about the general election last month.
    As usual the party finishes just as I arrive :(

    All the best then - it's a shame though.

  27. Pob hwyl.

    Adpar resident.

  28. Before you go please share a shilling or two with Jacqui Thompson. Means you and all your readers. She needs it and you can all afford it. So hand it over now!

    I know I don't need to remind you of all the encouragement you offered to keep pursuing her/your 'ideals'. Now it's time for payback.

  29. It is with great sadness that I read today (after being away for a few days) of your decision. I would like to thank you for your support, and for being so willing to include on your blog, the information I wanted to reach the public domain, in my, and others fight for accountability, and a better standard of care for the vulnerable.

    Pob lwc Richard a diolch o galon

    Delyth Jenkins

  30. Nothing as sad as a vacant ipad icon to such an uplifting and unique blog. It became essential reading for all computer-literate councillors. Some trembled with anger, others trembled with laughter and a few must have trembled with fear at times! Few blogs (if any) carry such authority and accuracy with such a light touch. Diolch am y gwaith Richard. Bu'n gyfraniad gwerthfawr a nodedig tu hwnt i fywyd gwleidyddol Sir Gâr, yn hwyl ac yn ysbrydoliaeth i nifer ohonom. Pob llwyddiant i'r dyfodol.

  31. Diolch am y sylwadau caredig a diolch am gadw blog hynod o ddarllenadwy - ac ar adegau hynod ddigri - am cymaint o flynyddoedd. Diolch hefyd am roi cip i ni ar fyd hudolys llywodraeth leol Sir Gar.

  32. So sorry to hear that you are ending your informative and entertaining blog which has 'opened so many eyes' to the going's on in Carmarthenshire. Your good work certainly isn't over just because the chars have been rearranged. Best wishes for your future endeavours.


  33. Thank you for your efforts. You will be missed.

  34. Farewell & Goodbye I have enjoyed your blog over the last 3 years - often very witty, often with information hot from the press but always good writing . I challenge your perception of Caerbryn Carmarthenshire Planning but we will have to agree to disagree. I hope you will keep an occasional eye on the new leadership in County Hall to see that they are a new broom sweeping clean

  35. I am sure you will be heralded elsewhere as you have been in the comments above.

  36. Thank you, Goodbye and Good luck.
    Although I with many others will miss your blog terribly, I am sure there will be some sighs of relief from a few of your regular characters be they current and former residents of the Kremlin.

    I fear that without your watchful eye, many of these people will feel they have carte blanche to be even more underhand, dishonest and duplicitous and stand a much improved chance of getting away with it.

    I truly hope there is somebody out there able and waiting to take up the batton and run with it for all our sakes.

    Wishing you every success in your future plans.

  37. Sioc i glywed bod y blog yn benu, ond dyna fe mae'n lafur caled nid ond llafur cariad. Diolch am wneud gwaith penigamp dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf, a gobeithio bydd y cyngor newydd yn chwalu y statws quo presennol yn Rhiw Jal - ond dwi ddim mynd i ddala fy anal

  38. Its impossible to think that the loss of the frequent updates this blog brings will be anything but a sad and real loss to democracy in Sir Gar. Thank you for all the hard work you've clearly put into your entries over the years and good luck with your future endeavors. This corner of Wales will definitely miss your clear and witty remarks, especially as it seems you are one of the only real critical voices of the council and seems sometimes like the only one scrutinizing those in Carmarthen! Diolch yn fawr.

  39. Bugger, your blog was one of the few sources of spin-free information about the goings on in County Hall that I actually believed! Complete eye opener for me, although I realize that attending or watching the video of meetings was the complete opposite of an eye opener for you - you long suffering sod! You did it so we didn't have to...

    Thanks very much for all your hard work and I'll keep an eye open for the book, then later the feature film - "Carry on up the County" perhaps? You now you have that script in you.....

    Jeremy Clulow

  40. I entirely understand why you feel you must call it a day: I think all bloggers who write about local government reach a level of exhaustion - and despair - that means it is necessary to take a step back, from time to time. I've felt the same after the election, and have only just allowed myself the indulgence of writing anything further. But I hope that you will continue to write, somewhere, as your blog has been so consistently well written, well judged - and so amusing. Best wishes to you in the future.

  41. Well said Mrs Angry as without you bloggers the public would be left in the dark and complainants & whistleblowers would not have a voice when their complaints & concerns are not acted on properly. ALSO the public need to know what their representatives are up to in their name. I too hope Y Cneifiwr will start up his blog again once he's had some time out. You bloggers have given me the incentive to actually go more public with my concerns since no one in the council were willing to look into matters constructively or even the Ombudsman, Welsh Assembly and Police. Becoming more public in my condemnation of this authority is an effort of last resort, to force transparency, accountabiliy and change in regard to officers and the members actions which seem to fail the interests of the public so often.

    Jennifer Brown (whistleblower)


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