Wednesday 6 May 2015


The general election campaign has certainly been long, and much of what we have been subjected to by Labour and the Tories has been fake, stage-managed and carefully controlled PR events, but there have been occasional rays of sunlight as well.

Here are Cneifiwr's top three highlights:

1. Comedy

S4C's "Y Ras i 10 Downing Street" with Rod Richards plodding round the Labour campaign trail in Carmarthenshire. Five minutes of pure comedy featuring the dire Owen Smith, the lacklustre Carwyn Jones and a very nervous looking Calum Higgins.

2. Interviews

Nick Robinson has in the past attracted a lot of flak for supposedly being too close to the Tories, but in a relatively brief interview last week he skewered David Cameron quietly and devastatingly. Cameron, it is clear, is pinning his hopes on a future renegotiation of EU treaties with very little prospect of success. He is then committed to submitting the unknown results of those negotiations to a referendum with an entirely unpredictable outcome.

He is prepared to bet the farm on a leap in the dark which could have catastrophic consequences for Wales and the rest of Britain, and as Robinson established, Cameron has no Plan B.

3. Quote of the campaign

Leanne Wood in the final Welsh leaders debate who in one short line summed up what this election is all about for Wales: "Time is up on taking people for granted, Owen Smith".

Image result for leanne wood

But how was it for you?


  1. no predicitions?

  2. I wouldn't dare. Some results in this part of Wales are likely to be very close indeed, and every vote will count. So get out and have your say.

  3. My crystal ball, although cloudy, says Edwards (3000 maj),Hart (2,500)
    Davies 94,000).
    Hope I am wrong on all counts.

  4. Sorry for mixing up Paul Davies with Stephen Crabbe. Then, one Tory looks just like other - always did.

  5. Surely the best bit in that last TV debate in Wales was when the boy from the audience shouted out 'if you look at the books of history nothing has ever come well of nationalism'.

    Let's wait and see.

  6. Nothing has happened in Carmarthen East and Dinefwr during the last 18yrs. Maybe it's time for a change to a representative who can make things happen. Pob Hywel!

  7. My wonky crystal ball says:

    Carmarthen East & Dinefwr - PC Edwards by 2,000.
    And on to our neighbouring seats: CarmsW&SPembs - CON Hart by 1,500.
    Preseli Pembs - CON Crabb by 3,000.
    Ceredigion - LD Williams by 1,000.
    Llanelli - LAB Griffith by 2,000.
    Neath - LAB Rees by 8,000.
    Gower - LAB Liz Evans by 3,500. Brec&Rads - CON Davies by 300.

  8. Hmm, Emlyn, my crystal ball is also on the blink, but I think Jonathan will do rather better than a 2,000 majority.


Oes rhaid i fi ddweud? Dim ond synnwyr cyffredin sy ishe
Standard common sense rules apply. Need I explain?