Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Shades of Tower Hamlets

The Llanelli Star reported last week on the public brawl involving Cllr Tegwen Devichand and Cllr Theressa Bowen (Ind) at a meeting of Llanelli Rural Council. Both councillors are also members of Carmarthenshire County Council, and Cllr Devichand is deputy leader of that august body, no less.

It is understood that both councillors have complained to the Ombudsman for Public Services about breaches of the members' code of conduct, and an investigation has begun. It is likely to be months before the matter is resolved, and there is a swirl of claims and counter-claims about who did what and who started it.

Although their complaints are not in the public domain, the accusation will be that they have brought their office into disrepute. In the case of Cllr Devichand, who is one of the most senior members of the County Council, an additional question to be considered is whether she brought the authority she represents into disrepute.

Cllr Devichand should stand down from the Executive Board while the investigation is carried out, but the chances of this happening voluntarily and with dignity are slim to vanishing. Kevin Madge has the power to make her go, but that would risk civil war in the Labour Party.

The instinct of many readers will be to dismiss the incident as a spat between two people who were once friends, but there are reasons to believe that the dispute goes much deeper than that.

There is growing evidence that Cllr Bowen is now the victim of a vicious campaign of intimidation and bullying, with several Labour councillors joining in. One allegedly claims to have seen Cllr Bowen's medical records.

All the more remarkable when you consider that some of those throwing stones live in particularly large glass houses.

What began with a confrontation in a doorway could end up lifting the lid on the nest of vipers that is Labour in Llanelli, controlled by a tiny clique which ruthlessly uses patronage, smears and bullying to maintain its grip.


  1. And, say, hypothetically, either of these two women were guilty of bringing the council into disrepute - what would be the sanction. NOTHING - just a slap on the wrist, a bit of publicity and maybe (though unlikely) being removed from committees.

    Yes, since the abolition of the Standards Board (which was to be fair pretty toothless) that has been the only sanction available unless you were caught not just with your fingers in the till, but with the blue dye from the notes on them and a truly independen - t sniffer dog in attendance. Even then you might get off with an expensive lawyer, possibly provided by your council.

    The biggest sanction used to be that a councillor could be banned from the council for the lifetime of that council - a pretty strong sanction and one that the Standards Board used on many occasions. Perhaps why the Tories were so keen to get rid of it when they came into power in 2010.

    Alas, provided you tough it out pretty much nothing happens to any councillor who brings a council into disrepute - heck, some even get to be made Mayor as a thank you.

  2. And the evidence is? Calling Labour a 'nest of vipers' is pretty libellous isn't it? Typical Plaid Cymru supporter smear who can't even take the time to be in the least bit even handed. The said councillor now supports Plaid and good luck to them.

  3. Calling Labour a 'nest of vipers' isn't libellous for two reasons Anon 12:19. 1) You can't libel a political party and 2) truth isn't libel.

  4. Its a bit harsh on vipers though isn't it?

  5. This is a sad reflection on the type of people sitting in county hall, many of whom do not have any intellectual capabilities, grace or manners./ But just get voted in bu the oldies who vote for them and will never really question what exactly do they do for the town. yes lets ask them what have the Labour party 's reign and grip on the town done for it. Turned it into heroin alley, a den for miaw miaw and ketamine users with tumbleweed blowing down stepney street past all those empty shops. And Ms Devichand the Dolly Parton of Llwynhendy and her mates think they are the bees knees. Shame on them

  6. Oh let me clarify what you mean is the truth according to Plaid..... Shame on you for the muck raking when the two involved cannot even comment at this time.

  7. Dafen Dolly's disgusting behaviour is nothing new. I wonder if this Ombudsman complaint about her is just going to be buried like all the rest?

  8. Re. Anon. 10.42
    But this, as others will well know is not the "the truth according to Plaid", but the plain, unvarnished truth that WILL emerge later on.

  9. @anon 9:39 Devichand is NOT Llwynhendy but Dafen . All though her daughter is for the time being !

  10. I notice the complaints about the cllr supporting Plaid . People are allowed to vote anyone they want . Yet when a ex councillor (IND) in Llwynhendy who sadly is no longer with us promoted labour in his
    windows noone complained then . Why is it when you lose voters you always complain ?

  11. Come the May 11th AGM of Labour Group Dafen Dolly may be out in the bloodletting that will occur if KM is not elected Leader

  12. I have never voted Plaid in my whole life, but having seen sickening lack of honesty, integrity and genuine altruism displayed by Labour's 'Dafen Dolly' and her ilk over the years I certainly will be doing so next week.
    It's time for a change from mob rule!

  13. wps sorry for insulting Llwynhendy - i think i started something with Dolly!!

  14. So Dafen dolly her daughter and akhtar along with their buddy in teallwm hall reported bowen to the ombudsman . 3 thrown out but.... dafen dollies went on and it seems they decided to investigate her . Bowen made no complaint and it seems now a slap on wrist with watning to dollies future conduct . Oh dear how times change furst dolly loses powerurm control in rural then loses exec board status . Now shafts madge who incidentally is a friend and supporter of bowen (check her fb been invited to his mayoral civic service) and now she is losing it all . Never try to make lies stick dolly they come back and bite .


Oes rhaid i fi ddweud? Dim ond synnwyr cyffredin sy ishe
Standard common sense rules apply. Need I explain?