Tuesday 10 March 2015

A new retail experience for Llanelli

As if Llanelli's town centre did not have enough to contend with, it will next weekend get its very own Ukip shop/office. Here is the announcement from the Ukip Wales website:

UKIP Llanelli is opening a town-centre office on Saturday the 14th of March. The office is located at 13 John Street, Llanelli, SA15 1UH. The office will be home to the local party and the UKIP PPC for Llanelli, Ken Rees.

It is hoped that the office will give activists an opportunity to promote our message of hope to the public. If you are able to assist in the running of this shop then please get in touch with the Branch Secretary, Keith Thatcher.

Whether you are tempted to pop in to buy a Farage mug or just give these purveyors of "hope" a piece of your mind, you may want to ask Ken why he has gone from being a councillor for the most pro-EU unionist party to being a candidate for a party which wants to get out of the EU at any price.

Meanwhile over in Carmarthen East and Dinefwr, rumours that Ukip has found a replacement for Norma are gathering pace....



  1. You can't see through the windows they are so dirty. What other murkiness lies behind them.

  2. walked past yesterday - was thinking about you Cneifiwr - but didn't have a camera - just an empty run down shop with wanted posters in the window!

  3. The same 'Ken Rees' who changes parties every time it suits . . enough to make a cat laugh!

  4. I only got to know about your website and UKIP activities in Llanelli because Rob Lloyd criticised you in his Twitter feed.
    I suppose that brings meaning to the expression: there is no such thing as bad publicity.

    But could I bring myself to vote UKIP?

    Well Labour are just taking the Michael in Llanelli and I have an axe to grind with our MP. Plaid are a bunch of rabid nationalists whom I have no respect for apart from Helen Mary Jones who stands out as a person of integrity and common sense.

    So what am I to do?


Oes rhaid i fi ddweud? Dim ond synnwyr cyffredin sy ishe
Standard common sense rules apply. Need I explain?