Friday 9 January 2015

Hengoed by-election

A by-election to elect a successor to the late Cllr George Edwards (Lab) will be held on 19 February, although Carmarthenshire County Council has not yet got around to announcing the poll date.

Hengoed is a two-member ward, and the result of the election in May 2012 was extremely close, with just 85 votes separating the first five candidates. The field is expected to be crowded again this time, with Cllr Gethin James, Ukip's parliamentary candidate for Ceredigion, announcing on Twitter that the Farage fan club will be putting someone up, so the search is on for someone who can sustain a campaign for three or four weeks while keeping their trousers on, not making Nazi salutes and not saying they have "a problem with Negroes' faces" or ranting about "rag heads".


  1. Heb son am rwdlan am pa mor anghyfforddus ydyn nhw yn gwrando sr bobl yn siarad iaith ag eithrio'r Saesneg.

  2. Yn union. Bydd yr is-etholiad yma'n hynod o ddiddorol ac yn rhagflas o'r etholiad cyffredinol yn Llanelli. Rwy'n mawr obeithio bod gan y Blaid ymgeisydd cryf.

  3. However nutty some of them seem I reckon that they will still poll more votes than plaid.

  4. Bydd yn ddiddorol dros ben am sawl rheswm. Amser a ddengys fel maen nhw'n dweud! Cyffrous tu hwnt. YMLAEN!

  5. It is quite a strong ward for Plaid as it is for Labour. I don't however think it will reflect what will happen in the GE as traditionally turnout is not great for a by election.


Oes rhaid i fi ddweud? Dim ond synnwyr cyffredin sy ishe
Standard common sense rules apply. Need I explain?