Thursday 18 December 2014

The Tivyside Advertiser

Update 19.12.14

The decision to make the editor redundant and downgrade the newspaper was a hot topic in Cardigan this morning. The subject also came up on today's Taro'r Post where there was universal praise for Sue Lewis and the hard work she has put in for so long. As several people said, editing the 'Teifiseid' was more than just a job, with Sue Lewis playing a prominent role in other aspects of the town's life.

She will be a hard act to follow, especially from 30 miles down the road.


Sad news today that Sue Lewis is leaving the Tivyside and will not be replaced as editor. There were warm and well-deserved tributes to her at today's meeting of Ceredigion County Council from across the political spectrum.

Rather strangely the report announcing Sue's departure has been pulled from the newspaper's website, although there was nothing obviously contentious in it.

Not mentioned in the newspaper's own report but stated in the council meeting was that Sue has been made redundant. Two reporters will remain in the paper's offices in Cardigan, but the editor of the Western Telegraph will now run the weekly newspaper.

Local newspapers are a vital community asset and an essential part of local democracy. The Tivyside, in common with many other local newspapers, has been slowly stripped of resources in recent years and is now down to the bone.

Let's hope that this marks not the beginning of the end but just a lowpoint in the Tivyside's fortunes, and that the newspaper gets the full attention it deserves from Haverfordwest.

1 comment:

  1. Not just the report but also a letter seems to have been pulled.How strange. What a blow to the Cardigan community, Sue will be sadly missed.


Oes rhaid i fi ddweud? Dim ond synnwyr cyffredin sy ishe
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