Monday 8 April 2013

Delyth Jenkins joins Compassion in Care

After all of the bad news recently it is really good to be able to report that Delyth Jenkins has been appointed whistle blowing coordinator for Wales by Compassion in Care.

Delyth has had a difficult time since she blew the whistle on abuse in a day centre run by Carmarthenshire County Council, and it is really good to see that good will now come of her experiences. She will bring passion, integrity and courage to her new role.

Da iawn chi, Delyth, a llongyfarchiadau mawr ar eich penodiad. Dych chi'n haeddu pob llwyddiant.


  1. Brilliant news! Delyth has proven her worth for the role from her own experience, and it's really heartening that her personal qualifications have been recognised! Congratulations! The responsibilities could not be in better hands!

  2. Delyth Jenkins8 April 2013 at 21:53

    Diolch Cneifiwr am eich geiriau caredig. Mae'n anrhydedd mawr i mi, a fe wna fy ngorau glan i helpu pobol yn yr un sefyllfa, ac i wneud yn siwr bod safon gofal cymdeithasol yn gwella - rwyn addo!

  3. That is very good news.There surely cannot be a better person to fulfill this post given her previous experience in the care system.Well done Delyth and good luck for the future.

  4. Fantastic woman for the job!!! Care in the right hands. I know of many that have been abused and social care needs a total overhaul! Such a shame CCC has kept abusive staff and lost on of the best. Delyth will be an asset to all vulnerable people as her honesty, integrity, knowledge, stealth will stand her in good stead!! Watch out Wales!! What an opportunity for Delyth to do what she does best..... About time recognition and support went her way!!! Keep going Delyth, you're one in a billion!!! :-)

  5. Wonderful news, well done Delyth. They couldn't have picked a better person for the role. Brilliant.

  6. Delyth Jenkins9 April 2013 at 09:10

    Thank you all. I will continue to say the truth. The truth will out in the end. I am determined to improve the standards of care for the vulnerable, and to ensure that the law is changed to protect those who raise concerns.

  7. Congratulations Delyth. You are definitely the right woman for the job. Good luck.

  8. Cneifwr, honorary freedom of the county of carmarthenshire is now open and available for individuals and organisations. Exec board minutes 8th April 2013! I'm sure we can think of many to nominate!!! Have a look :-)

  9. Anon 00.25

    Yes but just look at who's in charge of it all....

  10. Can't find that. Who is it?

  11. Delyth, I am delighted to have read of your success which is most deserving! You are truly an inspiration to others as it takes a lot of courage to whistle blow. Some of us are also aware of the unnecessary anxiety and stress you suffered as a consequence. To all those who are struggling with their conscience right now and are fearful of repercussions, I urge you to do the right thing. There is now more being done to protect those employees and the truth will set you free. God bless you Delyth and others like you!

  12. Thank you. Carmarthenshire County Council must now hold to account Managers who failed and especially those senior Officers who knew of Officer G's use of others to bully for him whilst offering them protection, as admitted to me by Officer M in 2006. I have recently contacted my M.P, and my Assembly Member, with a view to taking forward serious issues that, as I see it, have not been addressed by the Council.

  13. Just to update, the Compassion in care Welsh launch took place about 4 weeks ago and was extremely successful. We were all grateful to Eileen Chubb, founder of Compassion in care, herself a former whistleblower, for sparing so much time in her very busy schedule to come to Wales to support and advise us. More about this soon.


Oes rhaid i fi ddweud? Dim ond synnwyr cyffredin sy ishe
Standard common sense rules apply. Need I explain?