Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Shops 'queuing up' to open or close says paper

Readers of the Carmarthen Journal may be feeling a little confused this week after reading a report on the closure of yet more shops in the town centre, as well as digesting the news that the town's main post office is set to close. On top of that comes an announcement that Dreams, the bed store, has gone into administration.

Only two weeks ago the paper ran a piece which almost certainly originated from the county council's press office claiming that stores were queuing up to get into the retail heaven of Carmarthen.

The paper also carries a vox pop this week in which almost all of those interviewed lament the loss of so many independent shops.

It is not clear whether the paper has the memory span of a goldfish or whether it thinks its readers do, but County Hall is unlikely to forget this in a hurry.

Operatives in the Ministry of Truth will also have choked on their hobnobs this morning as they read a piece buried deep in the bowels of the paper quoting blogger Jacqui Thompson on the council's decision to begin filming council meetings as a one year pilot.

To cap it all, the newspaper carries a subversive reference to Delyth Jenkins, although she is not named, in a very short piece reporting calls by Angela Burns AM for whistleblowers to be given proper protection.

Cneifiwr has decided to set aside £1.30 to see whether this was the first stirrings of a Carmarthen spring, or if it was just a case of the cat taking a winter break.


  1. Delyth Jenkins6 March 2013 at 14:52

    I also notice Cneifiwr, buried in another part of the Journal, on the bottom corner of page 34, is an article headed "Calls to protect whistleblowers" It is obvious by the description by Angela Burns, that my case is one of the ones she is referring to. I have spoken to Nick Parry, the editor of the Journal this afternoon, expressing concerns that an issue as serious as this should only be given the minimum space in the paper, even though we are talking about human beings - vulnerable adults who cannot communicate verbally. Shocking!

  2. CCC has also decided to force through their half-baked plans to charge for parking on Sundays and to make people pay to park on Lammas Street.

    Mr Mark James CBE and his cronies know full well that the shops in Carmarthen are dying on their feet. He knows how many empty properties there are in Nott Square, King Street, Lammas Street, Blue Street and elsewhere. For goodness sake, even some of the charity shops can't stay open!

    Carmarthen is now a shadow of its former vibrant self, besieged by empty properties, pawn shops, mobile phone emporia and temporary charity shops.

    No amount of spin in CCC Pravda and the James Journal can change that.

  3. Delyth Jenkins6 March 2013 at 19:11

    I note from the ITV evening news tonight that, in light of the Jimmy Saville abuse, changes will be made to the way investigations are carried out.
    It was also stated that many investigations could be re-opened as a result.


Oes rhaid i fi ddweud? Dim ond synnwyr cyffredin sy ishe
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