Sunday, 6 January 2013

Panto Time in Llanelli!

No doubt we can look forward to a gushing write-up from County Hall's Ministry of Truth later this week about the grand opening of Llanelli's new theatre, where the curtain rose on a production of Aladdin starring Denny Twp.

The front row was occupied by the council's top brass, and stomachs churned as the cast, led by the evergreen Mr Twp, broke off from the slapstick to heap praise on the Best Council in Wales.

Apparently some less respectful members of the audience were heard to mumble "Oh no it isn't!"

The choice of Aladdin was wise under the circumstances as it deprived the rabble of the opportunity to make coarse jokes about the Ugly Sisters (Cinderella) or the Chief Weasel (Wind in the Willows). Jack and the Beanstalk might have been suitable, but unfortunately after all that regrettable business with the Ombudsman and the cash cow earlier this year, it had to be ruled out.


  1. LOL! And I presume the ugly sisters must be old Mez Grav & Paz Palm?

  2. why pay to go to the theatre for a pantomime production??? There is NO CHARGE in the public gallery at the council meetings!!!


Oes rhaid i fi ddweud? Dim ond synnwyr cyffredin sy ishe
Standard common sense rules apply. Need I explain?