Saturday, 27 October 2012

Misuse of Council Resources

Over in Pembrokeshire, which probably also claims to be the best-run council in Wales with the best Chief Executive, etc., etc., the fur has been flying once again over the party which is not a party, known in Haverfordwest for bizarre reasons that need not detain us as the Independent Plus Political Group.

Just like its cousins over the border in Carmarthenshire, this group looks, acts and sounds like a political party, but pretends that it is no such thing. A mole in the council has provided blogger and county councillor Jacob Williams with copies of files which show that the IPPG was busy planning its election campaign earlier this year and using council computers and resources to do so.

The Public Services Ombudsman is taking time off from his job in Carmarthenshire to investigate the claims (see Western Mail article here).

Of course, it is out of the question that the Carmarthenshire Independents would ever do anything like that because it is most definitely against the rules.

Funnily enough, though, Meryl Gravell did let slip at a recent council meeting that she, Pam Palmer and various other important personages had sat down with Kevin Madge to discuss various electoral matters, including Plaid Cymru's election manifesto.

Perhaps this took place in Trimsaran when Kev popped over to mow the lawn, or did it take place in the Fuhrerbunker in County Hall?

Any public-spirited moles in County Hall who have any further information should get in touch. Discretion guaranteed.

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Oes rhaid i fi ddweud? Dim ond synnwyr cyffredin sy ishe
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