Saturday 20 October 2012

Champagne All Round in PR Awards!

Congratulations go once again to Carmarthenshire County Council which scooped the award for the most Outstanding In-House Public Relations Team at this year's PRide Cymru shindig organised by the Chartered Institute of Public Relations.

The beano, which was held in Cardiff last night, announced itself to the world on Twitter using the hashtag #pridecym, which you might think would be something to do with gay rights. It seems that these PR experts failed to twig that connection.

The people of Carmarthenshire who are forced to find money to pay their council tax in support of one of the largest PR operations in Wales will probably not be able to afford the champagne to celebrate this victory, and they probably feel very little pride in the efforts of an outfit specialising in black propaganda and spin that has once again made Carmarthenshire a national disgrace and laughing stock.

They will probably also be distinctly less pleased to hear that more of their hard-earned money went on paying fees to the CIPR essential to anyone hoping to win a prize.

Pass the sick bucket. #utterdisgrace


  1. Just checking the date: No its not April 1st.

  2. Did the award come with free training and mandatory attendance at CIPR's "writing and editorial" workshops?

  3. The public relations profession's most prestigious honor, the Silver Anvil Award acknowledges the very highest level of achievement and is the established icon.

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  4. More a case of fur coat and no knickers in Carms...


Oes rhaid i fi ddweud? Dim ond synnwyr cyffredin sy ishe
Standard common sense rules apply. Need I explain?