Friday 29 June 2012

County Hall flies the flag

But not this one. Two Union Jacks were reported to be fluttering in the breeze outside the council's headquarters today, but no Red Dragon.

Says it all, somehow.


  1. Ydy. Croydon ar Dywi - dyna weledigaeth y Cyngor.

  2. IT WAS FLYING BECAUSE OF ARMED FORCES DAY NOT A CONSPIRACY -WELSH LADS ARE dieing IN THIS SENSELESS WAR and we should show them some respect on this day
    I disagree with all these foreign adventures started by a Labour Government , supported by the Tories & Liberal but we must respect our Armed Forces who are carrying out this in awful conditions constantly in danger . So perhaps on a few days once a year we should respect the flag that is flying on County Hall

  3. Get your facts right. You are usually accurate but this time wrong- ARMED FORCES DAY FLAGS

  4. And what's the reason why only the Union Jack can be flown on Armed Forces Day?

  5. Cneifiwr,

    I think it's beyond a lot of people to understand(as shown above) ....unfortunately

  6. Because Wales does not have a Defence force and operates overseas under the Union Jack , So lets not be too precious on this one . Those two Welsh Guards regrettably died for that flag so please respect that.
    I am sure a Welsh Nation would not be operating abroad & would be neutral

  7. Leave it all to MISS WOODS of plaid and will have nothing left the way plaid is going they are leaving the party by the bus full we are welsh and i am proud of it born in CARMARTHEN but we are part of the UNITED KINGDOM so lket fly all the FLAGS


Oes rhaid i fi ddweud? Dim ond synnwyr cyffredin sy ishe
Standard common sense rules apply. Need I explain?