Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Achos enllib a haid o wyddau tew

Yn ôl y sôn, mae costau cyfredol achos enllib Prif Weithredwr Sir Gaerfyrddin yn erbyn y blogwr Jacqui Thompson yn fwy na £60,000 hyd yn hyn, er nad oes fawr wedi digwydd. Wrth reswm, erbyn i'r achos ddod gerbron y Llys Uchel yn Llundain tua diwedd y flwyddyn, bydd y costau wedi cynyddu'n ddramatig.

Tra bod gwyddau Nadolig y cyfreithwyr yn tewychu, mae'r Cyngor wrthi'n torri ymhobman. Fe fydd y Mentrau Iaith, er enghraifft, yn colli £50,000 o'u cyllideb dros y tair blynedd nesaf ar ôl i'r Sir benderfynu haneru ei gymorth ariannol i'r iaith yn y gymuned.


  1. Jacui Thomson has gone very quiet in her blog as well. Now picking on Wales Audit and the like. I would imagine her solicitor would have advised to back off as she would not be able to afford such a case. Libel is only for the very wealthy,insured and the ones who know there going to win.
    Christ went to the cross for the cause you wont go to the dock without money cause or not.

  2. I agree and i will comment on the poverty of Carmarthenshire.
    The jobs created by these objects of Abstinence is diabolical.

    Greece runs its E.U funded undergound while having only a an income of £80 million.
    YET it pays out 500 million in wages . That brings a good standard of living for those workers,there families and Greece. Ths jobs only given to locals. Where did Carmarthenshre go wrong . Well it devolopes sites that will bring really bad jobs and really bad conditions. Not like has been done all over the E.U not just Greece.


Oes rhaid i fi ddweud? Dim ond synnwyr cyffredin sy ishe
Standard common sense rules apply. Need I explain?